
Andrew Robinson International is a leading
risk management, insurance advisory and
risk due diligence firm working with organizations around the globe to help:
Identify and Understand Risk
Reduce the Cost of Risk
Turn Risk into Competitive Advantage
Through the application of our knowledge-based advocacy and collaborative strategies we continually create superior value for our

Establishing trust with you is the first and most crucial step in understanding and managing your risks.
We are proud to offer objective and independent advice, with no conflicts of interest influencing our services.
At ARI, we do not sell or broker insurance. This independence ensures that our recommendations are free from the pressures to "internalize" or "cross-sell" related services or products. Our compensation is determined
upfront, based on the scope of the work and the outcomes we achieve, rather than loss or premium size.
This unconflicted approach has enabled ARI to consistently deliver superior risk adjusted results for our client-partners.

Andrew Robinson International is dedicated to providing our client-partners with unsurpassed counsel in the areas of risk management and insurance. One of the key advantages we offer our client-partners is an advocate they can turn to for unconflicted advice. This independence affords ARI the ability to deliver valuable and effective knowledge, solutions, and results in the best interest of our client-partners.
Our ultimate objective is to help our client-partners identify, measure, prioritize and manage the risks that stand between them and their goals. What often keeps business leaders up at night is not risk itself, but knowing which risks need attention -- and your risk transfer and insurance program itself shouldn’t be one of them! ARI has the skills and competencies needed to help you navigate these and other critical issues your business faces.
We provide the highest levels of unbiased, objective conduct, forward thinking and confidentiality. The relationships we form are long-term because they are founded on trust, integrity and results. These elements are the cornerstone of our business.

With an ever changing business and legal landscape, unprecedented technological
advancement and often non-obvious economic interdependencies,
succinct risk strategies are needed now more than ever.
While it is tempting to use a one-size-fits–all approach to risk strategy and planning,
it is applied knowledge and strategic navigation that rule the day. It’s not magic.
There is no silver bullet. It is just a matter of anticipating the actions of the relevant participants,
formulating a plan, and executing systematically. ARI consultants apply their extensive
knowledge to level the playing field and deliver meaningful results for our client-partners.
Our knowledge-based approach combined with our advocacy have resulted in ARI being a recognized leader in insurance advisory, risk management strategies, and risk and insurance due diligence.

Andrew Robinson International Risk Management Consultants, Inc.
197 First Avenue, Suite 340
Needham, MA 02494-2874
Tel: 781-400-5333
Fax: 781-400-2971